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Australia Visa Application Backlogs Exposed

Australia Immigration Process

With all the uncertainties happening globally due to the pandemic, Australia Immigration may now face so many speculations concerning the ever-growing backlogs of cases – calls are unattended and email replies taking delays than usual.

Having the benefit of the doubt that the Government has been using the coronavirus and the lockdown as reasons for all the delays in immigration rules and regulations updates, reopening of state nomination and sponsorships, and even granting invitations and visa approvals, we (registered migration agents) are left with no choice but to be the “frontliners” for the government itself – giving whatever update we can give to all our clients.

We believe that delays have nothing to do with the coronavirus and the “increase in demand”, but of the incompetence of the case officers – immigration officers being at their post for just 5 to 7 months, and are not experienced enough to be fit for the position.

Truth be told, and in all fairness, skills assessment bodies never stop processing new applications. We have been receiving positive skills assessments week after week, which is good preparation for the reopening of the state nomination and sponsorship.

Know how your application will be affected by delays and global uncertainties. Attend our up-coming FREE Australia Immigration Webinar and get to know more about our Circuit Breaker Stimulus Package (CBSP) by clicking the “REGISTER” button.

Alternatively, call +65 6299 0246 for further assistance.

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